Did you know?


  • Heart Disease is the largest killer of adults in the United States

  • Heart Disease costs the United States over $363 Billion annually

  • About 7% of adults over age 20 in the United States have Coronary Artery Disease

  • There are over 800,000 heart attacks annually in the United States

  • Over 7 Million people present to the Emergency Department with Chest Pain (not including equivalent) annually

  • Over 8 Million patients are diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease in an outpatient setting annually


What is Coronary Artery Disease?


Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a build-up of plaque within ones coronary vessels (Left Main Artery, Left Anterior Descending Artery, Left Circumflex Artery, Right Coronary Artery) which leads to the reduction of blood flow and put patients at risk for future cardiac events. The development of CAD doesn’t happen overnight, it is done overs years through a combination including but not limited to: lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and genetics. CAD narrows the arteries over time and can lead to heart attacks. Early detection of CAD is key to reversal of disease and improving long-term quality of life.


What is done today and how we help?

Current standard of care includes a series of tests ranging from fast and non-diagnostic to time-consuming yet precise. The testing can take anywhere from minutes to weeks to come to a final diagnosis, and if a patient doesn’t progress past the initial testing it is likely that the diagnosis will only be to rule out coronary impact on symptoms, and not necessarily rule in any underlying cardiac issues. At HEARTio we are using Artificial Intelligence to empower the most routine test, the Electrocardiogram (ECG), to provide the same information that a clinician would get from further downstream, more invasive testing. This allows the patients to have a more pleasant, rapid, testing interaction, and allows them to be directed to the proper treatment more quickly, more accurately, and for a fraction of the cost.